Friday, 22 November 2019

Polish Ultimate Power Rankings Season 2 as of November 2019


The November update is here. Ruczaj Rumble has created a lot of disagreements regarding ranking principles within the PR panel, which led me to believe, that a broader group of panelists who come up with their own PRs would be a better solution. 10-15 people evenly spread across all polish regions will be given all the necessary data, to create their own lists based on their ideas on how a power rankings should be. This change will be introduced for the 2020 PRs and this season will finish with the old panel to keep it consistent.
I thought about posting descriptions this time as well, but I ultimately decided against it, as it's controversial either way.

14. Kuro

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: 10/9

13. Lynx Claw

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: unranked

12. MrH

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: unranked

11. pies

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: 11

10. otis

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: 13

9. Zychuu

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: 8

8. Spyder

Summer 2019: 5
October update: 10/9

7. Anikai

Summer 2019: 7
October update: 5

6. Megaban

Summer 2019: 8
October update: 6

5. Kandif

Summer 2019: 6
October update: 7

4. Drayv

Summer 2019: 2
October update: 4

3. Gumanku

Summer 2019: 1
October update: 2

2. Klopsiak

Summer 2019: 4
October update: 1

1. Aggrise

Summer 2019: 3
October update: 3