Sunday, 29 December 2019

Polish Ultimate Power Rankings Winter 2019


This season's PR was discussed and agreed on by 4 people within the PR panel, who examined all resumees in terms of peaks, consistency and attendance. The ranks are purely based on data from national tournaments. The X-Factor is meant to showcase the difference between this season's results and the community's opinion on actual abilities. 
We are looking to extend the panel to 8 members for the next ranking season.

Honourable Mentions:

Spyder, Avalon, pies

The HMs are slightly different this time around, as we didn't just choose the 3 players who were the closest to making Top 10 proper. Instead, we chose to award players who had solid results, combined with a high attendance, consistency, upwards trending results and a general display of improvement. Spyder makes it, despite only being active in the second part of the season, as he attended 6 tournaments in the span of 6 months. His results have also been really solid and he's the most unfortunate player to miss out on the Top 10.
Avalon had a consistent season domestically, usually placing 4th at Floating Destination tournaments. It isn't the reason he deserves this spot, however, as it's his excessive travel, that made us highlight him this season. He attended 4 out of region tournaments, a number only Drayv and J.J surpass, while also placing consistently. His results have also improved towards the end of the season, as he outplaced his demon Kuskus at the last two Szczecin locals, finally beating him at the last tournament of the year. He also took a set off Kandif's Diddy at Tilt'N'Salt 6, finally getting his first win over one of the historically dominant players in Poland.
Pies is the last honourable mention, mostly for his great consistency and good set counts. He hasn't lost to a player below his tier since SmashOn 6, the very first tournament of the season and he displayed a big improvement from last season, culminating in a 9th place finish at Ruczaj Rumble: The Runback.

10. Zychuu

Last Season: HMs

X-Factor: 0

3/16 SmashOn 6
7/20 SPB House 2
3/12 SmashOn 7
3/16 SmashOn 8
3/11 SmashOn 9
7/43 Ruczaj Rumble: The Runback
2/14 SmashOn 10
4/27 KOP-alnioki vol.6
3/15 SmashOn 11

Top 10 wins: Drayv x1, J.J x1
Non Top 10 losses: otis x2, pies x2, Kuro x1, Spyder x2
Non Top 10 losing records: otis, pies

Vs. 6-10: 1-3
Vs. Top 5: 1-9

Zychuu is the first player to make this season's Top 10. Zychuu's season has been one of incredible consistency, as he placed 7th at both majors he attended, and he hasn't dropped below 3rd at SmashOn tournaments. He also has a 4th place finish at KOP-alnioki, a stacked national, where he met his seed. Just like last season, he managed to take a set off Drayv, but the set count is still 6-1 in Drayv's favour. His other Top 10 win is J.J, he closely loses this H2H 2-1. He is mostly being held back by losing records to otis and pies, who outplaced him at SmashOn 6 and 7 respectively. Kuro and Spyder losses aren't as bad, as he still wins those H2Hs, but they did also hinder him slightly. Despite all of this, Zychuu has been very consistent all season and he still deserves a spot in the Top 10. 
We shall see how far he'll push his unorthodox ICs pick and if he can reach new heights in the future.

9. KingKirbek 

Last Season: unranked

X-Factor: 0 

2/10 Tilt'N'Salt
2/11 Tilt'N'Salt 2
5/17 Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Summer 2019
2/8 Tilt'N'Salt 3
2/9 Tilt'N'Salt 5
1/14 Tilt'N'Salt 6

Top 10 wins: Kandif x1
Non Top 10 losses: none
Non Top 10 losing records: none

Vs. 6-10: 0-1
Vs. Top 5: 1-9

The King of Wifi, Smaszowanko champ and the creator of Poland's best Smash montages, Kirbek breaks into the top 10 for the first time at 9th. Wrocław started out with their biweekly tournament series this season and Kirbek has been very consistent at all of them. He placed 2nd at every installement except the 6th one, where he finally overcame all odds and won his first offline tournament, defeating Kandif and double eliminating Spyder. Other than that, he placed at a respectable 5th at the Summer edition of Smash Wratislavia, losing to J.J, another new top 10 member, and Kandif. He hasn't dropped a set to anyone below him, which is quite remarkable, despite being done in a comparably weaker region. 9 out of his 10 losses came against Kandif, which shows just how big this one roadblock is for him.

8. Megaban

Last Season: 8th

X-Factor: +1

3/12 HackRoom Smash 5
2/11 HackRoom Smash 6

Top 10 wins: Drayv x3, Gumanku x1
Non Top 10 losses: none
Non Top 10 losing records: none

Vs. 6-10: 0-0
Vs. Top 5: 4-4

A very controversial entry on this PR, Megaban takes 8th spot once again. Megaban suffers very badly from a massive lack of data, as he only attended 2 tournaments this season. The end of Warsaw's locals saw him miss his only opportunity to get the attendance and results he needs, as he's unable to travel. If we were to expand his results to more tournaments, he would easily have the results of a top 5 player. 8 out of his 10 sets played this season were against Drayv and Gumanku. This means that he hasn't played any other top 10 or borderline top 10 players. He has to be ranked, however, as no requirements in regards to a minimal amount of tournaments have been decided prior to the season. The PR panel ultimately decided to rank him at 8th, at the last spot of the highest tier of Polish players, mostly because of his legacy. 
Warsaw's revival next season will most likely see his rise to a more deserved spot.

7. J.J

Last Season: HMs

X-Factor: -1

7/20 SPB House 2
4/12 HackRoom Smash 5
5/11 HackRoom Smash 6
4/17 Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Summer 2019
3/27 KOP-alnioki vol.6
5/14 Tilt'N'Salt 6
1/15 SmashOn 11

Top 10 wins: Drayv x2, Kirbek x1, Zychuu x2
Non Top 10 losses: Tac'O'Cat x1, Jeje x1
Non Top 10 losing records: Tac'O'Cat, Jeje

Vs. 6-10: 3-1
Vs. Top 5: 2-9

J.J ranks 7th on this season's PR after a great breakout season. Deciding the 6 and 7 spots was probably the hardest decision for the panel so far. It took us a long time, but we finally decided to put J.J at 7th, but he's extremely close to Anikai. His first tournament of the season was a respectable 7th place finish at SPB House 2, where he only lost to Kandif and Gumanku. His next two tournaments, Hackroom 5 and 6 were a little underwhelming, as he placed 4th and 5th, dropping a set to Tac'O'Cat at Hackroom 6. He then went on to place 4th at Wratislavia, beating Kirbek, who wasn't considered an outstanding win at the time, but is currently ranked 9th, and only losing to Gumanku and Kandif once again. J.J then had a break, but he came back stronger for KOP-alnioki, where he beat Spyder, getting his first big win, and only lost to Zychuu(defeating him later) and Klopsiak for 3rd. He then had a rather poor tournament at Tilt'N'Salt 6, taking a bad loss to Jeje and losing to Kandif for 5th. It was at the next tournament, however, that he established himself as a solid Top 10 player, as he beat Zychuu, Spyder and Drayv twice to win SmashOn 11, his first offline tournament.

6. Anikai

Last Season: 7th

X-Factor: 0

1/9 Super Smash Bros. Szczecin #12
2/7 Floating Destination #13
3/12 Floating Destination #14
5/43 Ruczaj Rumble: The Runback
2/15 Floating Destination #15: Melee Saga

Top 10 wins: Aggrise x4, Zychuu x1
Non Top 10 losses: Kuskus x1
Non Top 10 losing records: none

Vs. 6-10: 1-0
Vs. Top 5: 4-7

Anikai improves on his summer rank, placing 6th on this season's PR, just barely outranking J.J. He achieves it mostly because of his better consistency, only dropping one set to a non Top 5 player in Kuskus, while still being up 3-1 on him for the year. There isn't much to say about his season, other than the fact, that he placed 3rd once, 2nd twice and 1st once at Szczecin tournaments, and got 5th at Ruczaj Rumble beating Zychuu and losing to Kandif and Drayv. He generally lacks set counts too, but because he's competed at a out of region tournament, it's just enough to put him in this spot.

5. Kandif

Last Season: 6th

X-Factor: 0

5/20 SPB House 2
1/10 Tilt'N'Salt
1/11 Tilt'N'Salt 2
3/17 Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Summer 2019
1/8 Tilt'N'Salt 3
3/43 Ruczaj Rumble: The Runback
1/5 Tilt'N'Salt 4
1/9 Tilt'N'Salt 5
4/14 Tilt'N'Salt 6

Top 10 wins: Kirbek x9, J.J x3, Anikai x1, Drayv x1
Non Top 10 losses: Avalon x1
Non Top 10 losing records: none

Vs. 6-10: 13-1
Vs. Top 5: 1-7

Kandif finally returns to the Top 5 after another very consistent season. He started this season by placing 5th at SPB House 2 after a win on J.J, a loss to Klopsiak and two losses to Aggrise. He won all Tilt'N'Salt tournaments except the last iteration, where he lost to Kirbek and Avalon while going full Diddy Kong in bracket. Kandif got 3rd at Smash Wratislavia Summer after being double eliminated by Drayv and ended up meeting his seed. His Ruczaj Rumble run was the highlight of his season, with a win on Anikai, Spyder and Drayv and two losses to Klopsiak for 3rd.
Kandif acts as a gatekeeper, beating players below him and losing to players ranked above him most of the time.

4. Gumanku

Last Season: 1st
X-Factor: +3

2/20 SPB House 2
1/12 HackRoom Smash 5
1/11 HackRoom Smash 6
2/17 Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Summer 2019

Top 10 wins: Zychuu x1, Megaban x3, J.J x3, Drayv x2, Aggrise x2
Non Top 10 losses: none
Non Top 10 losing records: none

Vs. 6-10: 7-1
Vs. Top 5: 4-4

Alright, I know what you're thinking. Gumanku is the most successful internationally and his run at Syndicate, where he most notably beat Loading... and BluB, more than proves that. He has mostly fallen off on the PR, due to inactivity. The premise of this rankings is to rank players within the country itself, to get our storylines and events going and to reward players for competing at polish tournaments. Gumanku is very talented and will only improve and get even better european results in the future. He only attended one actually stacked event in Poland, however, so he lacks a lot of data compared to the players above him. He has a winning set count against Aggrise, but he's losing against Klopsiak and even in sets against Drayv, which holds him back from the Top 3 this season.
He will most certainly claim back his spot next season, as Warsaw's locals are said to return.

3. Drayv

Last Season: 2nd

X-Factor: -1

1/16 SmashOn 6
4/20 SPB House 2
1/12 SmashOn 7
2/12 HackRoom Smash 5
3/11 HackRoom Smash 6
1/16 SmashOn 8
1/17 Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Summer 2019
1/11 SmashOn 9
4/43 Ruczaj Rumble: The Runback
1/14 SmashOn 10
1/27 KOP-alnioki vol.6
2/15 SmashOn 11

Top 10 wins: Zychuu x6, Megaban x1, J.J x2, Anikai x1, Kandif x2, Klopsiak x2, Gumanku x2
Non Top 10 losses: Kuro x1, Spyder x1
Non Top 10 losing records: none

Vs. 6-10: 10-6
Vs. Top 5: 6-7

Drayv makes top 3 for yet another season, this time at 3rd. He once again attended the most tournaments out of any polish player, with 12, always performing at a consistent level. He barely gets this spot over Gumanku, partly because of his attendance, but also thanks to his KOP-alnioki win, which resulted in his winning 2-1 set count against Klopsiak. He placed 4th at both major tournaments he attended, losing to Aggrise twice and to Klopsiak once at SPB House and to Aggrise and Kandif at Ruczaj Rumble. Drayv won all SmashOn tournaments this season, except the last one, where he was double eliminated by J.J. He placed 2nd and 3rd at Hackroom 5 and 6 respectively, going 3-1 in sets against Megaban at these tournaments. Another highlight of his season was Smash Wratislavia Summer, where he double eliminated Kandif, and won the tournament by double eliminating Gumanku in Grand Finals. His resumee hasn't been the cleanest this season, but his high attendance and a generally high consistency is what gives him this spot over Gumanku.

2. Klopsiak

Last Season: 4th

X-Factor: -1

1/20 SPB House 2
2/43 Ruczaj Rumble: The Runback
2/27 KOP-alnioki vol.6

Top 10 wins: Zychuu x2, J.J x1, Kandif x3, Gumanku x2, Drayv x1
Non Top 10 losses: none
Non Top 10 losing records: none

Vs. 6-10: 3-0
Vs. Top 5: 6-4

Klopsiak improves on last season's rank with great performances at the 3 biggest tournaments of the season. He started out by winning SPB House, taking sets off Kandif and Drayv, as well as double eliminating Gumanku. His next tournament was Ruczaj Rumble, the biggest polish tournament ever, and he also performed very well, beating Zychuu and double eliminating Kandif to place 2nd behind Aggrise. Klopsiak finished the season with a, for his standards, disappointing 2nd place behind Drayv, he still won a set against both Zychuu and J.J at that tournament, which confirms his incredible consistency against non Top 4 players. Despite actually attending fewer events than Gumanku, he did attend the biggest tournaments this season, which is why he doesn't lack data against the highest tier of polish players.

1. Aggrise

Last Season: 3rd

X-Factor: -1

3/20 SPB House 2
2/9 Super Smash Bros. Szczecin #12
1/7 Floating Destination #13
1/12 Floating Destination #14
1/43 Ruczaj Rumble: The Runback
1/15 Floating Destination #15: Melee Saga
1/11 Floating Destination #16

Top 10 wins: Anikai x5, Kandif x2, Drayv x3, Klopsiak x2
Non Top 10 losses: none
Non Top 10 losing records: none

Vs. 6-10: 5-4
Vs. Top 5: 7-2

Formerly known for his dair spotdodge uptilts as Smash 4 ZSS, Aggrise takes the top spot in this season's PR. His start to the season was alright, as he placed 3rd at his second major tournament after Smash Phoenix last season. Along with losing to Anikai at Smash Szczecin #2, it seemed like a rather mediocre season was on the way. But then Aggrise turned it on. Following Floating Destination #13, he hasn't lost a tournament and only lost one set to Anikai at Floating Destination #15 along the way. His biggest achievement was winning Ruczaj Rumble, while defeating Drayv once and Klopsiak twice. Along with set wins on Kandif and a close, yet winning set count against Anikai, Aggrise has a winning set count on everyone, except Gumanku.
Aggrise will try to defend his rank next season and his rematch against Gumanku is one of the most anticipated storylines of 2020. 

Friday, 22 November 2019

Polish Ultimate Power Rankings Season 2 as of November 2019


The November update is here. Ruczaj Rumble has created a lot of disagreements regarding ranking principles within the PR panel, which led me to believe, that a broader group of panelists who come up with their own PRs would be a better solution. 10-15 people evenly spread across all polish regions will be given all the necessary data, to create their own lists based on their ideas on how a power rankings should be. This change will be introduced for the 2020 PRs and this season will finish with the old panel to keep it consistent.
I thought about posting descriptions this time as well, but I ultimately decided against it, as it's controversial either way.

14. Kuro

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: 10/9

13. Lynx Claw

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: unranked

12. MrH

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: unranked

11. pies

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: 11

10. otis

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: 13

9. Zychuu

Summer 2019: unranked
October update: 8

8. Spyder

Summer 2019: 5
October update: 10/9

7. Anikai

Summer 2019: 7
October update: 5

6. Megaban

Summer 2019: 8
October update: 6

5. Kandif

Summer 2019: 6
October update: 7

4. Drayv

Summer 2019: 2
October update: 4

3. Gumanku

Summer 2019: 1
October update: 2

2. Klopsiak

Summer 2019: 4
October update: 1

1. Aggrise

Summer 2019: 3
October update: 3

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Polish Ultimate Power Rankings Season 2 as of October 2019(including SmashOn 9)

14. Tac'O Cat

Summer 2019: unranked
September update: unranked

Sets won: 2
Sets lost: 2
Good wins: J.J
Bad losses: none

Hackroom 6: 4/11

His win against J.J and no losses outside the top 5 is what puts him here. Top 10 is still very much obtainable if he attends a couple more tournaments this year. 

13. otis

Summer 2019: unranked
September update: 8

Sets won: 4
Sets lost: 2
Good wins: Zychuu x2
Bad losses: none

SmashOn 6: 2/16

Otis sees a huge drop in rank, as he hasn't attended anything since SmashOn 6. His wins on Zychuu are really good, but it isn't enough to push him over players who attended several events, or had actual top 5 wins this year.

12. J.J

Summer 2019: unranked
September update: 10/9

Sets won: 11
Sets lost: 8
Good wins: none
Bad losses: Tac'O Cat

SPB House: 7/20
Hackroom 5: 4/12
Hackroom 6: 5/11
Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Summer: 4/17

J.J continues this season with his consistent placings and only one bad loss so far: Tac'O Cat. He is, like many players in the lower ranks, being held back by his lack of big wins and substantial upsets. He remains a gatekeeper, for now.

11. pies

Summer 2019: unranked
September update: 11

Sets won: 10
Sets lost: 8
Good wins: Zychuu x2
Bad losses: Blizth, Treaku

SmashOn 6: 7/16
SmashOn 7: 2/14
SmashOn 8: 4/16
SmashOn 9: 4/ 11

Pies continues his great form with two 4th place finishes at SmashOn tournaments. He managed to avoid any additional bad losses, proving, that his subpar performance at SmashOn 6 was only a fluke. His higher attendance is what gives him the edge over someone like otis, despite their wins being identical. A higher attendance equals a higher probability of being upset on, that's why it should be awarded.

10/9 Kuro

Summer 2019: unranked
September update: unranked

Sets won: 6
Sets lost: 2
Good wins: Drayv
Bad losses: none

SmashOn 8: 2/16

Kuro returns to the Polish top 10 after a long period of inactivity. His only tournament so far is SmashOn 8, where he went 1-1 with Zychuu and Drayv. He has pretty much identical results with Spyder.

10/9 Spyder

Summer 2019: 5
September update: unranked

Sets won: 5
Sets lost: 2
Good wins: Drayv
Bad losses: none

SmashOn 9: 2/11

Spyder re-enters the top 10 with his 2nd place at SmashOn 9. His results mirror Kuro's, with a 1-1 set count against both Zychuu and Drayv.

8. Zychuu

Summer 2019: unranked
September update: 10/9

Sets won: 16
Sets lost: 10
Good wins: Kuro, Spyder
Bad losses: none

SmashOn 6: 3/16
SPB House: 7/20
SmashOn 7: 3/14
SmashOn 8: 3/16
SmashOn 9: 3/11

Zychuu continues his consistent season with two additional 3rd places at SmashOn tournaments. Despite not placing in the top 2 this season, he managed to outplace pies at both of these tournaments, as well as take a set off both Kuro and Spyder who placed 2nd at SmashOn 8 and 9 respectively.

7. Kandif

Summer 2019: 6
September update: 7

Sets won: 17
Sets lost: 5
Good wins: none
Bad losses: none 

SPB House: 5/20
Tilt'N'Salt 1: 1/10
Tilt'N'Salt 1: 1/11
Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Summer: 3/17

Kandif continues to dominate Wrocław, but he fails to take a set against a top 7 player. He has been very consistent this season, though, not dropping any sets to players below top 7, but his lack of big wins holds him back from improving his rank from the last update.

6. Megaban

Summer 2019: 8
September update: 6

Sets won: 6
Sets lost: 4
Good wins: Drayv x3, Gumanku
Bad losses: none

Hackroom 5: 3/12
Hackroom 6: 2/11

Megaban keeps his rank after a great showing at Hackroom 6, where he double eliminated Drayv and took a set off Gumanku. Anikai outplaces him just barely, due to a tournament win and a winning record with no losing records. Megaban has a 3-1 record against Drayv, while he's also losing against Gumanku. 

5. Anikai

Summer 2019: 7
September Update: 5

Sets won: 8
Sets lost: 2
Good wins: Aggrise x3
Bad losses: none

Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 11: 1/2(worthless)
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 12: 1/9
Floating Destination 13: 2/7

Anikai manages to stay in the top 5 with his 2nd place at Floating Destination 13, where he took a set off Aggrise, before ultimately losing two sets in Grand Finals. This one set win is what keeps him ahead of Megaban, yes, it's that close. Keeping a winning record against Aggrise is what solidified his 5th spot for now, he can't be ranked any higher as he lacks further records against the top 7.

4. Drayv

Summer 2019: 2
September Update: 4

Sets won: 36
Sets lost: 10
Good wins: Kandif x1, Megaban x1, Gumanku x2
Bad losses: Kuro, Spyder

SmashOn 6: 1/16
SPB House: 4/20
SmashOn 7: 1/12
Hackroom 5: 2/12
Hackroom 6: 3/11
SmashOn 8: 1/16
Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Summer: 1/17
SmashOn 9: 1/11

Drayv remains at 4th this month. His last month has been a mixed bag, when it comes to results. At Hackroom 6, Megaban double eliminated him, setting their set count at 3-1 in Megaban's favour. Drayv won both SmashOn's, but both Kuro and Spyder reset the bracket against him. Despite this, he's gotten closer to being ranked over Aggrise with his two set wins against Gumanku, which made their set count 2-2 and his set win against Kandif, both of which happened during his victorious run at Smash Wratislavia Summer. Aggrise just barely outplaces him this month.

3. Aggrise

Summer 2019: 3
September update: 3

Sets won: 15
Sets lost: 5
Good wins: Kandif x2, Anikai x2, Drayv x2
Bad losses: none

SPB House: 3/20
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 12: 2/9
Floating Destination 13: 1/7

Aggrise's victory at Floating Destination 13 is the reason for him keeping his 3rd rank. He decreased the gap between himself and Anikai, putting their set count at 3-2 for Anikai after an hour long Grand Finals. He is barely ahead of Drayv, and only Ruczaj Rumble can set them apart for good.

2. Gumanku

Summer 2019: 1
September update: 2

Sets won: 19
Sets lost: 5
Good wins: Megaban x3, Drayv x2, Aggrise x2
Bad losses: none

SPB House: 2/20
Hackroom 5: 1/12
Hackroom 6: 1/11
Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Summer: 2/17

Gumanku remains in 2nd place, after a rather poor month. He won Hackroom 6, dropping a set to Megaban, which isn't that bad, however, as he still holds a 3-1 record against him. The biggest disappointement, for his standards, came at Smash Wratislavia Summer, where he was double eliminated by Drayv for the first time ever, which put their set count at 2-2. This tournament victory would be something Gumanku desperately needed, in order to be ranked above Klopsiak, who hasn't attended any tournaments since SPB House. Gumanku has to settle at 2nd place for now.

1. Klopsiak

Summer 2019: 4
September update: 1

Sets won: 7
Sets lost: 0
Good wins: Gumanku x2, Drayv, Kandif
Bad losses: none

SPB House: 1/20

Klopsiak remains at the top, despite not attending anything this month. Gumanku would outplace him, if he won Smash Wratislavia Summer, but as it stands, Klopsiak is the number 1 going into Ruczaj Rumble. 

Monday, 2 September 2019

Polish Ultimate Power Rankings Season 2 as of September 2019


These updates will be used to showcase how this season's PR progresses each month(the first update combines the first two months, as they didn't provide enough data on their own).
Everything is being decided by the Polish Ultimate PR committee, which carefully examines the results, peaks, lows and attendance of every eligible player. A solid starting point is being provided by the glicko algorithm.
Please do note, that the PR will only have 10 spots and more spots are only being displayed to show who'd barely miss the cut. 

11. Pies

Summer 2019: unranked

Sets won: 5
Sets lost: 4
Good wins: Zychuu x2
Bad losses: Blizth, Treaku

SmashOn 6: 7/16
SmashOn 7: 2/14

Pies makes the honorable mentions with his superb performance at SmashOn 7, where he double eliminated Zychuu making it to Grands and only losing to Drayv. He is, however being held back by his disappointing finish at SmashOn 6, where he recored two bad losses in Blizth and Treaku. He could still make the PR if he avoids any additional bad losses and gets a couple of strong wins until the end of the season.

10/9 Zychuu

Summer 2019: unranked

Sets won: 11
Sets lost: 6
Good wins: SuperTata1
Bad losses: pies x2

SmashOn 6: 3/16
SPB House: 7/20
SmashOn 7: 3/14

Zychuu is tied with J.J for 9th place, as they have almost identical results. Neither of them have particularly bad losses(pies being the worst, but not that bad, as he's technically 11th) and they both lack meaningful wins(SuperTata1 being the best win for Zychuu). They can be considered the gatekeepers of the top 10, beating most players ranked above them, but losing to the top of the top. A head to head set count or either player's good win would set them apart .

10/9 J.J

Summer 2019: unranked

Sets won: 6
Sets lost: 4
Good wins: none
Bad losses: none

SPB House: 7/20
HackRoom5: 4/12

J.J has worse wins than Zychuu, but he also has better losses, literally having Kandif as his worst loss. Only time will tell who of them breaks the skill barrier first. 

8. Otis

Summer 2019: unranked

Sets won: 4
Sets lost: 2
Good wins: Zychuu x2
Bad losses: none

SmashOn 6: 2/16

Otis takes number 8 thanks to his outstanding performance at SmashOn 6, where he double eliminated Zychuu to secure himself a place in Grands, only losing to Drayv. This one peak puts him ahead of Zychuu and J.J for now, but he'll have to prove himself at more tournaments to strengthen his spot as the season progresses.

7. Kandif

Summer 2019: 6

Sets won: 9
Sets lost: 3
Good wins: J.J
Bad losses: none

SPB House: 5/20
Tilt'N'Salt 1: 1/10

Kandif is the number 7 at the moment. He has been very consistent, only losing to Klopsiak once and Aggrise twice at SPB House, but his best win so far is J.J, which isn't enough to put him ahead of number 6 on this list. He won Tilt'N'Salt 1 without dropping a set, but he didn't record any good wins along the way.

6. Megaban

Summer 2019: 8

Sets won: 2
Sets lost: 2
Good wins: Drayv
Bad losses: none

Hackroom 5: 3/12

Megaban is currently at the 6th spot on the PR, with his singular performance at Hackroom 5, where he defeated Drayv and only lost to Guma and to Drayv to place 3rd. Despite his inability to travel, Megaban has already collected a very good win at his first tournament this season, and we will see if he beats more good players as the season progresses.

5. Anikai

Summer 2019: 7

Sets won: 6
Sets lost: 0
Good wins: Aggrise x2
Bad losses: none

Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 11: 1/2(worthless)
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 12: 1/9

Currently undefeated this season, Anikai is the first inclusion in the top 5. He won Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 12, where he beat Aggrise twice. This performance, but his lack of more sets with highly skilled player puts him here.

4. Drayv

Summer 2019: 2

Sets won: 18
Sets lost: 5
Good wins: Megaban, otis x2, Zychuu, J.J
Bad losses: none

SmashOn 6: 1/16
SPB House: 4/20
SmashOn 7: 1/12
Hackroom 5: 2/12

Drayv is the player with the highest attendance once again, attending 4 events in the first 2 months. He played solidly so far, only falling behind Aggrise and Klopsiak, who was ranked lower because of his very low attendance last season. Other than that he's been really consistent, having Megaban as his worst loss(that isn't even bad), which puts him just behind the players who outplaced him at SPB House. 

3. Aggrise

Summer 2019: 3

Sets won: 10
Sets lost: 4
Good wins: Drayv x2. Kandif x2
Bad losses: none

SPB House: 3/20
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 12: 2/9

Aggrise continues to improve, as he conquers more and more players. His prime performance was his 3rd place finish at SPB House, where he double eliminated his demon from last season, Drayv, and kept his winning streak on Kandif, double eliminating him as well, and only losing to Gumanku twice. He got 2nd at Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 12, where he lost to Anikai twice, but his performance at this season's only major so far still secures his Top 3 spot.

2. Gumanku

Summer 2019: 1

Sets won: 11
Sets lost: 2
Good wins: Aggrise x2, Drayv, Megaban, J.J x2, Zychuu
Bad losses: none

SPB House: 2/20
Hackroom 5: 1/12

The player who won every tournament last season takes number 2 this time around. He lost to Klopsiak twice at SPB House, but he defeated every other Polish player and won Hackroom 5, which clearly secures his no.2 spot.

1. Klopsiak 

Summer 2019: 4

Sets won: 7
Sets lost: 0
Good wins: Gumanku x2, Drayv, Kandif

SPB House: 1/20

Klopsiak is currently the best player on this season's power rankings. He went undefeated at SPB House, beating last season's no.1, Gumanku, twice. He has to attend and perform well at a couple more tournaments in order to keep his rank, and we will see if anyone defeats him going forward.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Polish Ultimate Power Rankings

Polish Ultimate Power Rankings January - June 2019

These are the Polish Power Rankings for the Summer of 2019.

 I did already publish them on and the Super Poland Bros. Discord, but many questions were left unanswered. I will use this blog to explain every player's placement and showcase all of their stats.

The formula

This season didn't use any particular formula that automatically calculates the placement of each player, as there was no previous data to work with(PRs use the ranks from the previous season to determine the weight of a tourney and to reward a player for set wins). So, I manually assessed all the data I collected using to sort players into groups and to then examine their resumees when compared to each other. The next season will improve in this area, as a group of people will help creating an even more objective PR based on the Glicko algorithm. 

Honorable Mentions:

Zychuu, J.J, Methyou

These players make the honorable mentions thanks to the relatively consistent showings from Zychuu and J.J and Methyou's 7th place finish at Polish Smash Phoenix. Zychuu and J.J unfortunately miss out due to the lack of sufficient top 10 wins(with Zychuu only having one win on Drayv's Zelda) and J.J failing to beat anyone ranked above, despite beating people below him. Methyou doesn't make the list, as his singular placing, albeit a very good one, can't outdo Pitylord's very good performance at Szczecin 7 and his 2 top 10 wins compared to Methyou's one win on Pitylord himself.

10. Pitylord

Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 7: 2nd
Polish Smash Phoenix:              9th

Average Placing: 5.5

Set wins in the top 10: Aggrise x1, Anikai x1
Loses outside the top 10: Methyou x1

X-Factor: 0

Winrate: 56%

Set Count vs. Top 10 2-3
Set Count vs. Top 5   1-3

Pitylord is the first entry on the PR. He makes it mostly because of his outstanding second place finish at Szczecin 7, where he beat Anikai and Aggrise to make it to Grand Finals, before losing to Aggrise twice. The next tournament he attended, however, he significantly underperformed by losing to Methyou to place just outside the top 8, at 9th, without claiming any meaningful wins along the way. This low is the reason for him being outplaced by the number 9 on this list.

9. Koziołek

Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 7: 3rd
Polish Smash Phoenix:              5th

Average Placing: 4

Set wins in the Top 10: Anikai x1, Spyder x1
Loses outside the Top 10: none

X-Factor: 0

Winrate: 64%

Set Count vs. Top 10 2-4
Set Count vs. Top 5   1-3

Koziołek makes it to 9th on the PR, just barely outplacing his brother. The argument between the placing of these two is mostly one of peaks vs. consistency. And this time, the consistency just edges it out. Koziołek's lack of non-Top 10 loses, and two really strong tournament performances, including a better performance at the much more stacked event, put him firmly at this spot. The first tournament he attended was Szczecin 7, where he defeated Anikai and lost to Aggrise twice to place 3rd, a respectable finish. At Polish Smash Phoenix he delivered his breakout performance, beating Spyder in a very close, back and forth set, to get 5th place after losing to Kandif. 

8. Megaban

New Meta Smash:    4th
Hackroom Smash 1: 3rd
Hackroom Smash 2: 4th
Hackroom Smash 3: 3rd
Hackroom Smash 4: 2nd

Average Placing: 3.2

Set wins in the Top 10: Drayv x2
Loses outside the Top 10: none

X-Factor: +2

Winrate: 61%

Set Count vs. Top 10 2-9
Set Count vs. Top 5   2-9

As probably the most controversial placing on this season's Power Rankings, Megaban is ranked number 8th in Poland. The 6-8 ranked players were the hardest players to rank and their placings were all examined very carefully in many different aspects. Looking at Megaban's resumee we see very consistent results - with two 4th places, two 3rd places and one peak of 2nd. It's a very solid lineup of results, but all but one of them share one flaw, the fact, that they've mostly been achieved at less stacked events than the results of player ranked above him. Hackroom 3 was the most stacked event he attended, and he managed to place 3rd, beating Drayv and losing to Klopsiak and Gumanku. This result, however can be mirrored in Anikai's resumee, as he also beat Drayv and lost to two highly ranked players in Aggrise and Drayv to place 3rd, at a event which had more attendees as well. Megaban's lack of Major attendance and his inability to beat a ranked player other than Drayv, as well as a lack of a tournament win this season also contribute to this placement. His X-Factor of +2 also shows, that people believe that he has the skill to be ranked higher and only time will tell if his results will finally match these expectations.

7. Anikai

Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 6:              2nd
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 7:               4th
Polish Smash Phoenix:                            5th
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 8:               1st
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 9:              2nd
Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Spring:  3rd
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin 10:            2nd
Average Placing: 2.7

Set wins in the Top 10: Aggrise x4, Drayv x1
Loses outside the Top 10: none

X-Factor: 0

Winrate: 63%

Set Count vs. Top 10 5-12
Set Count vs. Top 5   5-9

Just barely, Anikai takes the 7th spot on the PR. After an alright start to the season with a game 10 Grand Finals loss to Aggrise to place 2nd, Anikai underperformed at Szczecin 7, losing to Pitylord and Koziołek. This 4th place finish was the deciding factor for him being ranked below Kandif, who hasn't experienced this kind of low. At Polish Smash Phoenix he didn't do particularly well, nor poorly, placing at the predicted 5th place. It was after this tournament, however, that he started playing better, winning his first Szczecin over Aggrise, Szczecin 8, and placing 3rd at Smash Bros. Wratislavia Spring, beating Drayv and outplacing Kandif and dropping sets to Aggrise and Drayv. He finished the season with another 2nd place behind Aggrise, after beating him in winner's to lose two sets in Grand Finals. His X-Factor of 0 shows, that this rank roughly represents where the majority of people envision him at.

6. Kandif

Polish Smash Phoenix:                            4th
Hackroom Smash 3:                                4th
BeerPass Fucking Epic Tournament II:   1st
Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Spring:  4th
Average Placing: 3.25

Set wins in the Top 10: Koziołek x1, Anikai x1, Drayv x1
Loses outside the Top 10: none

X-Factor: +1

Winrate: 67%

Set Count vs. Top 10 3-6
Set Count vs. Top 5   1-6

And the number 6 on this list goes to Kandif. Attending all 3 of the stacked events this season, he hasn't disappointed, placing 4th at all of them and collecting 3 different top 10 wins along the way. He also won the local BeerPass tournament, but it didn't affect his rank as it was far from being a valuable tournament win. Kandif's consistency at 3 separate big tournaments is what puts him here above Anikai and Megaban. He also defeated 3 different top 10 players, showcasing his ability to beat almost anyone he faces. His X-Factor of +1 indicates, that he is believed to have the skill of a top 5 player, but he needs even more tournament attendance to prove it.

5. Spyder

New Meta Smash:                                    3rd
SmashOn1:                                               3rd
SmashOn2:                                               2nd  
Polish Smash Phoenix:                             7th
SmashOn3:                                               1st
Average Placing: 3.2

Set wins in the Top 10: Megaban x1, Drayv x4
Loses outside the Top 10: none

X-Factor: -3

Winrate: 69%

Set Count vs. Top 10 5-8
Set Count vs. Top 5   4-7

The first member of the top 5, Spyder has delivered some great performances this season. Placing in the top 3 in all tournaments except Polish Smash Phoenix, which was the biggest downside of his resumee with a 7th place after losing to Koziołek, he was just behind Drayv and Gumanku for his remaining tournaments. He beat Megaban to place 3rd at New Meta Smash, only losing to Drayv twice. At SmashOn1, he managed to defeat Drayv, once again only being outplaced by the top 2. At SmashOn2 he proved his consistency beating Drayv again, and placing 2nd over the emerging talent Zychuu. And while his underperformance at Smash Phoenix was concerning, he bounced back taking 1st place at SmashOn3, double eliminating Drayv and putting their set count to 4-5 for the season. Spyder left for the UK after that tournament, which is why he missed the remaining SmashOn tournaments, but his perfomances up to that point put him firmly in 5th place, despite the general consensus ranking him lower by 3.

4. Klopsiak

Hackroom 3: 2nd
SmashOn5:    1st  

Average Placing: 1,5

Set wins in the Top 10: Megaban x1, Kandif x1, Drayv x2, Gumanku x1
Loses outside the Top 10: none

X-Factor: 0

Winrate: 73%

Set Count vs. Top 10 5-3
Set Count vs. Top 5   3-3

Klopsiak is the fourth player on the PR. His rank was very hard to determine, as he only attended 2 tournaments this season. Some people have suggested putting him lower, due to low attendance, or higher, due to the nature of these performances. This rank is very reasonable, as he's ranked above players lacking consistency, like Spyder or Anikai, or lacking peaks, like Kandif or Megaban. The players ranked above him are both very consistent and have peaked sufficiently throughout the season. Both of his tournament performances are still extremely good, placing 2nd at Hackroom 3 only losing a game 10 Grand Finals to Gumanku and winning SmashOn5 over Drayv. He also became the second person to take a set off Gumanku this season, a feat only achieved once before by Drayv.

3. Aggrise

Super Smash Bros. Szczecin #6:              1st
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin #7:              1st
Polish Smash Phoenix #1: Szczecin:        3rd
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin #8:             2nd
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin #9:              1st
Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Spring:   2nd
Super Smash Bros. Szczecin #10:            1st

Average Placing: 1,57

Set wins in the Top 10: Pitylord x2, Koziołek x2, Anikai x8, Kandif x2, Spyder x1
Loses outside the Top 10: none

X-Factor: 0

Winrate: 77%

Set Count vs. Top 10 15-9
Set Count vs. Top 5   1-4

The first member of the top 3 this season, Aggrise is probably the most improved player since Smash 4. He quickly established himself as one of the strongest players in the country at the new game, winning three consecutive Szczecin tournaments(one outside of the season). He entered Polish Smash Phoenix with big expectations, as it was the first time he'd face players from outside the region offline. He performed extremely well, placing third after losing to Gumanku in winner's and Drayv in loser's. It was also his lowest placing all season, as he won four tournaments and placed second twice. His only losing set counts are Gumanku and Drayv, two players ranked above him.

2. Drayv

New Meta Smash:                                  2nd
SmashOn1:                                             2nd
Hackroom 1:                                           2nd
SmashOn2:                                              1st
Hackroom 2:                                            3rd
Polish Smash Phoenix #1: Szczecin:      2nd
Hackroom 3:                                            5th
SmashOn3:                                              2nd
SmashOn4:                                              1st
Hackroom 4:                                            3rd
CyberFightClub:                                      1st
Super Smash Bros. Wratislavia Spring:  1st
SmashOn5:                                              2nd

Average Placing: 2,07

Set wins in the Top 10: Pitylord x1, Megaban x3, Anikai x1, Kandif x2, Spyder x5, Klopsiak x1, Aggrise x3, Gumanku x1
Loses outside the Top 10: Zychuu x1

X-Factor: 0

Winrate: 70%

Set Count vs. Top 10 17-19
Set Count vs. Top 5   10-15

And the second player on the PR is Drayv. He has attended by far the most tournaments this season, attending 13 in just 6 months. He proved himself on most occasions as well, losing most of his sets to Gumanku and placing lower than third once, at Hackroom 3, where he placed 5th. This outliner doesn't hurt his resumee as much, though, as it's harder to perform consistently at a bigger amount of tournaments. Drayv has lost to Zychuu once, but he beat him twice afterwards to win the tournament so it doesn't hurt him at all.

1. Gumanku

New Meta Smash:                              1st
SmashOn1:                                         1st
Hackroom 1:                                       1st
Hackroom 2:                                       1st
Polish Smash Phoenix #1: Szczecin: 1st
Hackroom 3:                                       1st
Hackroom 4:                                       1st

Average Placing:1

Set wins in the Top 10: Koziołek x1, Megaban x4,  Kandif x1, Spyder x1, Klopsiak x2, Aggrise x1, Drayv x9
Loses outside the Top 10: none

X-Factor: 0

Winrate: 94%

Set Count vs. Top 10 19-2
Set Count vs. Top 5   13-2

The undisputed best player in Poland this season. He won everything he attended only dropping two sets in the process, one to Drayv at Polish Smash Phoenix and one to Klopsiak at Hackroom 3. There's nothing else to say, he's been unstoppable.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019



I am Anikai and I'm a Polish Melee and Ultimate Player and TO.

I will use this blog to primarily write about the polish power rankings for both games, to update them each month, and to highlight a player of the month, based on each player's expected performances and achievements at the tournaments they attended. I will also publish long explanations for each player's placement on the PR to clear up any misconceptions that may occur.
I will also write about my personal tournament experiences from time to time if you're interested in that.
The next entry on this blog will be the Polish Ultimate Power Rankings for the first Season: January-June 2019.

Thank you for reading this and I hope some of you are looking forward to future blogs, that will be published here :)